- 07 Jul 2023
Virtually everyone is working virtually. Hybrid working has a lot of advantages in terms of flexibility, but having this mixed economy now means we do have to work a bit harder at bringing teams together. And it’s definitely worth making that effort. Here are a few ideas for how:
- The first issue to recreate online that social space you get in an office, bumping into people or walking over to their desk to chat. You might want to schedule team video calls that are purely social. These work best with up to 4-6 people, so you can arrange several calls if your team is bigger, and rotate attendees each week. Or you can organise video calls with a social focus e.g. playing an online game, doing yoga or sharing a skill or hobby.
- People often feel too busy to attend work social events and that they should plough on with their work. This mindset is not conducive to wellbeing at work – particularly among remote workers, as it can lead to loneliness and isolation. The key is to create a culture where social interaction is seen as a valuable use of time. Spending time chatting with colleagues boosts work happiness – and therefore productivity. I recommend dedicating the first few minutes of a virtual or hybrid team meeting to just general chat, to build team spirit and set the tone of collaboration and warmth for the rest of the meeting.
- Consider also setting up a team chat where people can share general social chat – funny stories or videos, Netflix recommendations, personal or professional wins. People can drop into the chat at whatever times of day suits them for some social connection, wherever they’re working geographically.
- Taking time to speak to members of your team one-to-one is also vital within hybrid working. Be aware of keeping things equitable: if you are regularly seeing some of your team in the office, check in more frequently anyone who works purely remotely, to make sure you have just as close relationships – and casual chats – with them.
- Consider what form of communication works best for the task at hand. Video calls are obviously best for meetings, whereas quick questions are probably best over a chat tool. But have this conversation with your team: ask people how they like to be contacted for different types of communication – making sure video calls are a regular part of this so you can see people’s expressions and gauge how they are feeling.
- Virtual working is extremely effective. Not just for office working – I see clients for hypnotherapy sessions online which work incredibly well. However, when it comes to teams, there’s definitely a buzz and a boost that comes with meeting up in person. So make sure you build in some joint office time whenever you can. And make the most of it – organise a team lunch or other event to maximise the benefit of your time together.
I hope these tips help you build creative hybrid team dynamics and increase your team’s productivity and positivity. And if you are looking for ideas for a team “away day”, I facilitate team events (getting 5 star reviews) that are fun and practical, with both a social and business focus – get in touch!