- 01 Nov 2023
It’s really important to job happiness to know your “why”, to be aware of the wider impact of your work. Because let’s face it, what do we do at work…What do most of our jobs consist of? Meetings and emails. But when we focus on the ultimate meaning of what we’re doing, this helps you feel motivated and excited, and get through those occasionally duller work days.
So take a step back and identify the ultimate purpose of what you’re doing – the big picture about the impact your team or organisation – and thus you – are having in the real world. For example, if you work in the public sector, you’re ultimately working for the good of the public in the particular sphere in which you are an expert. And that’s a great “why”.
Take a moment to define that end goal that you are working towards in your role, and hone that down into a short, memorable statement. It’s a great idea to do this exercise together with your team so you all have a collective sense of the ultimate aim of your work. For example, for the training side of my business, my “why” is “to empower people to have more successful and rewarding careers”. In the jobs that are the best fit for you, your “why” will really connect with your values, as well as being something that continually piques your interest.
And when you’re clear on your purpose, you can write it down and pin it up around your workstation. You can start your meetings and calls reminding yourself of your team’s purpose and have it on your meeting agendas. It will keep you focused and remind you that what you’re doing really matters.
One important aspect of feeling happy at work is knowing that we are making a difference to something we care about. So get clear on that “something” and you can elevate the meaning of your work – and your level of work happiness – by constantly reminding yourself of the ultimate impact you’re having.
If you’re looking for a facilitated away day in which you and your team define your purpose and values, and enjoy other interactive activities, just send me a message.