Clear Skies Training

Overcoming imposter syndrome

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Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training

Why you should ditch imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome comprises feelings of inadequacy despite evident success. There’s a persistent fear of being exposed as a ‘fraud’ and an inability to ‘own’ and appreciate your successes.

These fears and negative beliefs lack evidence, but can lead to avoidance strategies, self-sabotage and anxiety. Some people believe they need imposter syndrome to motivate them. However I believe that people will still be high achievers – and much happier in themselves – once they have ditched their inner critic and uprooted the anxiety around being ‘not good enough’or ‘not belonging’ . None of these things are as effective a motivator as self-confidence and feeling good about yourself.

“Working with Sarah on imposter syndrome has made a world of difference – in my personal life as well as at work”

Overcoming imposter syndrome workshop

Imposter syndrome comes at a cost to your personal and professional well-being. No matter how well you do in your career, imposter syndrome creates stress and prevents you from enjoying your success.

This course teaches powerful techniques to rid you of imposter syndrome and help you to embrace both your challenges and successes with confidence and optimism. The course will:

  • Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training
    Give you an understanding of how you developed imposter syndrome, and that it's just a series of behaviours that you can change
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training
    Help you identify the beliefs that are keeping you stuck and give you techniques to develop more empowering beliefs
Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training
    Teach you a powerful step-by-step process to change your ‘inner critic’ to an ‘inner coach’
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training
    Provide you with a range of techniques to build strong and sustained self-belief
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome Clear Skies Training
    Participants are given a workbook and have the opportunity to practise the techniques throughout the event

The course is held with limited numbers and you receive individual support, including a one-to-one coaching session with me after the event. It is run from your offices at a time of your choosing. The tried and tested techniques you will learn in the course are designed to create rapid and positive change, and I am committed to helping people not just cope with imposter syndrome, but to rid themselves of it.