Ditching the fear of public speaking

The fear of public speaking is up there amongst the fear of heights and going to the dentist as one of the things people are most afraid of. The fear of public speaking is often really the fear of rejection and/or the fear of being judged. And when it is a serious fear, rather than just normal […]
Kindness at work

When you engage in acts of kindness, it boosts serotonin and dopamine — neurotransmitters in the brain that promote feelings of satisfaction and well-being. Research suggests that kindness also yields positive outcomes for businesses. So here are some tips to practise kindness that can help you and others be happier at work: Kindness speaks volumes […]
Nail your goals in 2024

New Year is the classic time to set new goals for health, wealth and relationships. And before the end of January is the classic time for all these good intentions to fizzle out…! Make 2024 different. Here’s how. 1. Make it matter You are more likely to stick to your goals if you invest them […]
Variety at work

This is the next blog in my series on how to increase your happiness at work. This one focuses on how to bring variety into your work and workplace. Because even if you love your job, it’s good to mix things up a bit in life. We humans get bored. Even if you love the […]
Train your brain for success

Henry Ford once said “whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”. You’d be amazed at how often we sabotage the outcomes we want simply by our own unhelpful or negative thinking. Shifting to more positive thought patterns helps rewire our brains for success. Do you have things on your to-do […]
Finding meaning at work

It’s really important to job happiness to know your “why”, to be aware of the wider impact of your work. Because let’s face it, what do we do at work…What do most of our jobs consist of? Meetings and emails. But when we focus on the ultimate meaning of what we’re doing, this helps you […]
Happiness at work: positive relationships

This is the second blog in a series on how to enhance your happiness at work, and it’s looking at making the most of opportunities: opportunities to use your skills and abilities and opportunities to grow and develop. It’s incredibly important for your happiness at work to feel successful. Pride is one of the very best […]
Opportunities to use your skills

Being happy at work is not nice to have, it’s an essential. We spend a large proportion of our lives at work so it’s definitely worth giving some attention to feeling the happiest you possibly can be in your job. It’s been shown that being happier at work also makes you more productive, more engaged […]
Stepping out of your comfort zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone can seem really daunting. The thought of things not being as they usually are and having less control is enough to stop people from taking risks and opportunities that could benefit your life. Here are some tips to start you on your journey to stepping out of your comfort […]
Enhance your listening skills

Good listening skills are essential in both your personal and professional life and can help you develop and deepen important relationships. Being the funniest or loudest person in the room may work on some occasions but the ability to really listen and engage in a conversation is a far more useful skill. Feeling heard is […]