- 06 May 2023
Having a positive mindset is important to progressing your life in a more positive direction. We often return to negative thoughts when something doesn’t go how we want it, however, it is important to change this thought pattern and introduce more positive ways of thinking. Wake up in the morning and tell yourself you will have a good day, this can take time but it is most definitely achievable with hard work and perseverance.
And if the change you’re looking for is a more positive outlook, again take baby steps and take them consistently. It can sometimes feel like our negative thoughts overtake us, but a key step is to acknowledge that our thoughts are our own: we can choose which thoughts to dwell on. And what we choose to focus our mental energy on has a massive impact on how we feel. If you are reliving a bad memory, that will leave you feeling depleted – but if a friend suddenly calls and you start talking about fun things – your mood also shifts with what you are talking about. So when you hear that inner voice, or even your actual voice, starting to say “that was a stressful, awful day at work”, make a point of noticing what you are focussing on and choose a more useful conversation with yourself or your partner. Focus on what went well in your day, maybe what you learned or even a really minor success. It’ll put you in a more positive state of mind.
And spend time focusing on your accomplishments and abilities. What have you done that makes you proud? Keep a record of your achievements and of the praise you have received. Again, shifting your focus to the good stuff is a powerful way to retrain your outlook. A really nice way to nudge your mind into a more positive outlook is to introduce the habit of sharing a success with whoever you’re having dinner with every night – or if you’re eating alone, just calling to mind a success for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a major thing – it could be getting to a task that’s been sitting on your to-do list forever – but celebrating micro-successes helps get you in the habit of looking for the positives.
Another great way of introducing positivity into your life is surrounding yourself with positive people. You may not be able to totally avoid spending time with people with a negative energy, but as much as you can, seek out and spend time with those who lift your spirits and boost your mood. This can positively impact your mindset and help you on your journey to thinking less negatively.
Wishing you all the best with whatever steps you are taking towards your positive change.